It's common for people to dislike things that are popular, and it's always seemed ridiculous to me even though I feel it constantly, and Inside is a good example of why.
When first watching it, it felt so absolutely personal down to my core. Like it was talking directly to me. Songs like White Woman felt like they were talking about specific people I knew.
So when I see people on Instagram Reels showing their art to the song Jeffrey Bezos. All of the art looking the same. Viewed in the middle of another dead scroll. It's just part of it now. It's no longer personal. It's just part of the monoculture. Everyone knows about it. Everyone's had the same intensely personal experience.
I'm part of it too.
Everything I do is common now. Is it wrong to want to be unique? Is it possible to be unique?
Am I special?
Am I amazing?
Even though I'm common?
I have no enemy to face or fight. No great cause. I'm in a collective of people who are sad and bored.
Everyone makes the same jokes, and memes, and remarks, and comments.
"Am I the only one who..."
No, there are a thousand people who also commented it and got less likes.
"Is no one gonna talk about how..."
No, thousands of people are talking about it right now.
I have no solution. Suicide maybe. But even that is becoming more common. The only thing it fixes is having to worry about it.
Maybe worrying is the issue.
But I don't know how to stop.